Biseri | Silvia Josephine Zele

Silvia Josephine Zele

Archive of Resources

Resource 3: Na jurški zemlji: o planini Juršič, nastanku vasi Juršče in o sledovih njenih prvih prebivalcev [Juršče and Its Environs: Its mountain pastures, the founding of the village, and information on its first inhabitants]

Archive of Resources Resource 3: Na jurški zemlji: o planini Juršič, nastanku vasi Juršče in o sledovih njenih prvih prebivalcev [Juršče and Its Environs: Its mountain pastures, the founding of the village, and information on its first inhabitants] Irena Uršič, a curator at the National Museum of Contemporary History, is the author of this book …

Resource 3: Na jurški zemlji: o planini Juršič, nastanku vasi Juršče in o sledovih njenih prvih prebivalcev [Juršče and Its Environs: Its mountain pastures, the founding of the village, and information on its first inhabitants] Read More »

Resource 2: Slovenian conscripts in the Illyrian Regiment who came from the Canton of Postojna (6 October 1812)

Archive of Resources Resource 2: Slovenian conscripts in the Illyrian Regiment who came from the Canton of Postojna (6 October 1812) Vojaki slovenskega prostora na tujih tleh v preteklosti [loosely translated as ‘Slovenian soldiers who served in foreign territories in the past’]Edited by Darja Mihelič and Matjaž BizjakZgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa ZRC SAZU ISBN 978-961-254-348-8 …

Resource 2: Slovenian conscripts in the Illyrian Regiment who came from the Canton of Postojna (6 October 1812) Read More »